Thinking about changing your relationship with drugs? Great first step!
Now you might be wondering: cut back or go cold turkey? This is a personal decision, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. You can look at methods to help you that can be controversial.
Talking to a doctor, therapist, or even a trusted friend can help you weigh the pros and cons of each approach.
We encourage you to always seek Medical Detox. (Withdrawal & Detox)
Now you might be wondering: cut back or go cold turkey? This is a personal decision, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. You can look at methods to help you that can be controversial.
Talking to a doctor, therapist, or even a trusted friend can help you weigh the pros and cons of each approach.
We encourage you to always seek Medical Detox. (Withdrawal & Detox)
(Video is under 5 minutes)
Addiction expert Dr. Adi Jaffe, author of “The Abstinence Myth,” explains how his moderation approach to treating addiction might be right for certain people. “People need guidance and understanding, not judgment and stigma, and the sooner we realize this, the more lives we’ll be able to save.” — DR. ADI JAFFE *We do not advocate moderation when it comes to drug use. Especially since so many drugs are being cut with Fentanyl. According to the CDC over 150 people die a DAY from synthetic opioids like Fentanyl. |
(Video is under 7 minutes)
This video describes the work of Dr. Hansel Tookes and his team at the IDEA Exchange in Miami, Florida, where strategies are informed by and developed alongside the people IDEA serves. It talks about what they believe Harm Reduction is all about. |
(Video is under 45 minutes)
On Dr. Phil's show, Michael Shellenberger criticizes harm reduction policies. He believes they prioritize personal freedom over personal responsibility. Harm reduction aims to lower overdose deaths by providing safe access to drugs for those struggling with addiction. |
This method is a bit controversial in some realms of the sobriety world, however, you may have to try something different to get you on the road to recovery.
This is a personal choice and one that must be weighed with the risks of the person's addiction and chances of survival.
We truly believe that counseling and perhaps therapies such as CBT and DBT still should be part of the recovery process. A spiritual component as well.
The root of the substance abuse needs to be discovered and addressed.
Before diving into moderation tips, consider these resources:
Watch videos about substance abuse stages to see if moderation aligns with your goals.
If you're struggling with addiction, therapy is key. Many therapists and approaches exist, so don't give up if one doesn't work - find the right fit for you.
You can do therapy to address your trauma without having to talk about it in great detail or in some cases at all.
Look into EMDR, RRT & ART Therapy (Accelerated Resolutions Therapy) modalities.
This is a personal choice and one that must be weighed with the risks of the person's addiction and chances of survival.
We truly believe that counseling and perhaps therapies such as CBT and DBT still should be part of the recovery process. A spiritual component as well.
The root of the substance abuse needs to be discovered and addressed.
Before diving into moderation tips, consider these resources:
Watch videos about substance abuse stages to see if moderation aligns with your goals.
If you're struggling with addiction, therapy is key. Many therapists and approaches exist, so don't give up if one doesn't work - find the right fit for you.
You can do therapy to address your trauma without having to talk about it in great detail or in some cases at all.
Look into EMDR, RRT & ART Therapy (Accelerated Resolutions Therapy) modalities.
organizations and Meetings
A listing of organizations that provide information and guidance, is provided below. No endorsements or recommendations are intended. We may give our personal opinion if we have real world experience but this listing is for informational purposes only. It is up to you to determine appropriate professional care for yourself or your loved one.
HAMS Harm Reduction for alcohol
HAMS is a peer-led and free-of-charge support and informational group for anyone who wants to change their drinking habits for the better. The acronym HAMS stands for Harm Reduction, Abstinence, and Moderation Support. They offer help via Facebook, an online forum, chat rooms, email groups, and live meetings. HAMS supports every positive change. Choose your own goal-safe drinking, reduced drinking or abstinence.
Moderation Managment
MM is not the right choice for every problem drinker, they recognize this and fully support their members who choose abstinence in their MMabsers Listserv community or MMAbsers Private Facebook Group. In fact they claim, many of their abstinent members believe it would have taken them much longer to accept abstinence as the right path for them, if they hadn’t attempted moderation with the support of the MM community first. Abstinence periods are an integral part of a moderate lifestyle and because of these abstinent periods, MM members learn to value alcohol-free periods in their life and some members, about 30%, end up choosing abstinence as their chosen lifestyle.
Sinclair Method
The Sinclair Method for Alcohol Use Disorders is an evidence-based treatment for problematic drinking developed by Dr. John D. Sinclair. Unlike traditional treatments that require complete abstinence from alcohol, the Sinclair Method allows you to continue drinking alcohol at the beginning of treatment.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Harm reduction is all about helping people who use drugs stay safe and healthy. It's different from treatment because it focuses on reducing risks, even if someone isn't ready to quit. This approach, created by and for people who use drugs, offers tools like clean needles and overdose reversal medication to improve their well-being.
HAMS Harm Reduction for alcohol
HAMS is a peer-led and free-of-charge support and informational group for anyone who wants to change their drinking habits for the better. The acronym HAMS stands for Harm Reduction, Abstinence, and Moderation Support. They offer help via Facebook, an online forum, chat rooms, email groups, and live meetings. HAMS supports every positive change. Choose your own goal-safe drinking, reduced drinking or abstinence.
Moderation Managment
MM is not the right choice for every problem drinker, they recognize this and fully support their members who choose abstinence in their MMabsers Listserv community or MMAbsers Private Facebook Group. In fact they claim, many of their abstinent members believe it would have taken them much longer to accept abstinence as the right path for them, if they hadn’t attempted moderation with the support of the MM community first. Abstinence periods are an integral part of a moderate lifestyle and because of these abstinent periods, MM members learn to value alcohol-free periods in their life and some members, about 30%, end up choosing abstinence as their chosen lifestyle.
Sinclair Method
The Sinclair Method for Alcohol Use Disorders is an evidence-based treatment for problematic drinking developed by Dr. John D. Sinclair. Unlike traditional treatments that require complete abstinence from alcohol, the Sinclair Method allows you to continue drinking alcohol at the beginning of treatment.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Harm reduction is all about helping people who use drugs stay safe and healthy. It's different from treatment because it focuses on reducing risks, even if someone isn't ready to quit. This approach, created by and for people who use drugs, offers tools like clean needles and overdose reversal medication to improve their well-being.
(Video is about 10 minutes)
The harm reduction model of drug addiction treatment vs. the abstinence model of drug addiction treatment. Harm Reduction versus Abstinence is a long-standing debate in the addiction world! |