My oldest daughter never slept as a baby; it was a bumpy road of colic. We both had many sleepless nights. She also had night terrors as a toddler. She's always had trouble sleeping. As a teenager I think she was definitely sleep deprived.
She was only recently diagnosed with REM sleep disorder. For many years, she insisted on sleeping pills. I begged her to try natural sleep aids, but she refused, insisting that they didn't work. Fortunately, as an adult, she can usually sleep using tea, magnesium, a sound machine, and some kind of recording. She usually listens to the Bible or a Christian motivational speaker such as Joyce Myers. Much to my dismay, I have another daughter who also has sleep problems. For years, she was unable to fall asleep, and when she did, she awoke frequently during the night. I used to get up with her 6-8 times a night when she was a newborn, and toddler. She would wake up 2-3 times a night even when she was 12 years old. She was, without a doubt, irritable and had frequent meltdowns. I took her for a sleep study when she was younger, but they couldn't detect anything wrong with her sleep. I took her to sleep specialists when she was a tween, and blood tests revealed she was deficient in ferritin. She began taking a ferritin supplement, and we were able to help her get more restful sleep. The sleep doctors also gave us additional advice about sleep which proved to be very useful. She started using a weighted blanket, meditations, and reading at night an hour before bed instead of being on her phone. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for you to get enough sleep, and if you have children, that they get enough sleep as well. We've included some videos on our site that explain how sleep disorders can lead to substance abuse or mental illness. Please look into this further and do everything you can to help yourself and your loved one sleep better. Increasing your family's physical activity is a great way to exhaust them (and you) so they can get a good night's sleep. It also helps release endorphins, which fight depression and anxiety. In addition, I personally encourage you to seek out medical professionals who will first assist you in discovering natural sleep remedies rather than medications. I learned from my own sleep studies that doctors are finding that prescribing sleeping pills are not a long-term solution and should only be used for short periods of time. They recommend cognitive behavioral therapy to help in the long term. Check out our site to find solutions for sleep!
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